SPONSOR/CANDIDATE/PARENT MEETING – A meeting will be held on Sunday afternoon, October 20, from 1:00 – 2:30 p.m. for the sponsors of our 11th grade candidates preparing for Confirmation from both Saint Joseph and Saint Matthew parishes. This meeting will be held in the Saint Joseph Parish Social Hall, and is for 11th Grade Candidates, their parents, and their Sponsors.
VIRTUS-PROTECTING GOD’S CHILDREN SESSION will be conducted on Sunday, October 27, for both the Grade and High school students during their regular time of Religious Education. Parents are reminded to sign the permission forms and return them to Sr. Linda by October 20, if you have not already done so. Since this is a shorter session, both the Grade and High School students will learn to pray the rosary after the session. If they have rosary beads, we ask them to bring them with them. Otherwise, we will provide them for them.